
StylusFlex All-In-One Swiss Army Knife Stylus

Modern civilization is at an unusual predicament at the moment.  Our technology doesn't quite fit in a chip in our…

8 years ago

SketchForm: The Next Generation Artist’s Model

The traditional artist's mannequin has long been overdo for innovation.  The featureless wooden body would grind into only the most…

8 years ago

X Suit: The Stretchy, Self-Cleaning Suit From the Future

The X Suit seems to have been made from material found at a UFO crash site.  It's not only stretchy…

8 years ago

Air Deck Ultra-portable Waterproof Playing Cards

The Air Deck is a new take on a staple travelers have had tucked in their bags for generations: playing…

8 years ago

Uno Bolt Electric Unicycle

If Batman had some spare time and a unicycle lying around the Uno Bolt would be the end result.  Built…

8 years ago

Torch M1: The Helmet with a Built-in Headlight

The Torch M1 bike helmet is a good idea, and no, we're not just saying that because it holds a…

8 years ago

Azio Typewriter Mechanical Keyboard

Designed to hark back to the golden age of typewriters, the Azio Retro Classic keyboard is not only eye-candy, but…

8 years ago