
Instant Kickstarter Fee Calculator

Knowing your expenses is an important part of any business.  In the case of crowdfunding, platform fees like those charged by Kickstarter are a key piece of information to keep tabs on.

Using Indiegogo instead?  Check out our Indiegogo fee calculator.

We’ve built an online fee calculator that crunches the numbers for you.  Just enter the amount of money raised (or you plan on raising) and the number of backers.  Your Kickstarter fees will be shown below.

Enter the total amount of funds raised:

Enter the total number of backers for this campaign:




According to Kickstarter’s fee page, they charge a flat 5% fee on the total amount raised.  There’s then a payment processing fee of 3% plus $0.20 per pledge.  The amounts vary slightly for campaigns based outside of the US.

If you choose to offer a smaller pledge option (all those thank you cards and sticker packs) Kickstarter has a different “micro pledge” fee.  Pledges under $10 have a single cut of 5% but a lower per pledge fee of $0.05.

And remember, if you don’t reach your funding goals there are no fees.