Socks may be the humblest of undergarments, but they have a crucial role to play in our everyday comfort. The wrong socks can lead to an assortment of crabby-inducing maladies from blisters, overheating and poor circulation. Not to mention those odors. Ohh, the odors.
Alpha Socks are designed from the ground up to accomplish just about everything you could ask of a pair of socks. Specialized cushioning, moisture-wicking merino wool and class-leading levels of copper make these the “Alpha predator” of the sock world.

Cool copper comfort
Copper has innate anti-bacterial properties that have been proven to reduce odors in fabric. While touted as a selling point in many socks and underwear, here’s what makes Alpha Socks different… Other brands use as little as 4% copper, while Alpha uses 20% and bond it to genuine cotton.

An additional 60% of the sock’s fabric content is merino wool, which naturally has its own moisture wicking and anti-microbial properties.
The end of blisters?
Unlike traditional socks that use the same fabric thickness throughout, Alpha Socks are designed to provide support over the anatomy of the foot that needs it the most.

As any seasoned hiker will tell you, the backs of the heels are the most prone to blisters. The embedded heel cushion protects against friction from boots and high-mileage walking.
The arch and metatarsal cushion add a much needed buffer on the bottom of the foot.
Along the top of the socks are their “tri-flex zones”, designed to add more stretch and flexibility during sports and other high-impact activities.

Pre-order from $15
Alpha Socks have currently reached more than $31,000 of their $5000 goal. Early bird pledge levels are still available with a $15 pledge. A three-pack brings the price per pair down to $13.
Pre-orders are estimated to deliver February 2020.